13 Remote Job Interview Questions and Ways to Answer

Others have been laid off or were already unemployed, struggling to find work in a struggling economy. If you land the interview, you need to be prepared to answer questions you didn’t think you would have to answer before, but are of crucial importance to today’s interviewing process. Many of them are centered around working from home and staying connected to the office while working remotely. While most answers to common work from home interview questions can be rehearsed in advance, some questions will be specific to your field and to the organization. Honesty is always the best policy, and there’s no better attire than confidence. In a brick and mortar setting, you have the water cooler, the cafeteria, your colleagues work desk, and other places to talk with different people.

  • While answering this question, it is great to show a keen interest in remote work even if you haven’t worked from home before.
  • Knowing your interests helps the interviewer understand if you’ll gel well with other employees in the company or not.
  • And while that’s normal and totally understandable, it’ll be important for you to demonstrate that you know how to navigate these gray areas.
  • Make sure you explain what steps you take, how you triage things, and that you aren’t afraid to ask for help when you’re in over your head.
  • It’s helpful to understand if asynchronous work is something your candidate is used to and experienced in.

There are a few things that you can do to prepare for an interview to convince the employer that you would excel at the position, despite working from home. Whether you’re interviewing for a company that’s been doing work from home for years or one that’s just transitioning, here’s a guide on how to ace your work from home interviews. Whether you worked from home regularly already or you’re one of the thousands of workers that could be working from home for the foreseeable future, we want to hear from you. It’s especially important for work-at-home employment because many advertised jobs aren’t legitimate—or if they are legitimate—pay a very low rate.

Want a Great Remoteor Flexible Job?

There’s no one sitting next to you to make sure you’re working, so it’s crucial that you’re organized and able to prioritize your tasks. I achieve a much better work-life balance when I work from home. The flexible hours allow me to be there for my kids in the mornings and get them off to school, and also be there for them when they come home. Knowing I have that time with my family allows me to be much more productive because I am not worrying whether or not they forgot their lunch or arrived home safely. Without the constant distractions of an office, I am able to stay focused on my work and complete tasks quickly and effectively. Our newsletter includes everything you need to build a happy, healthy and effecitve remote team.

tell us about your experience in a work from home environment

Karen Fleming is a writer, translator, and teacher with more than 10 years of freelance experience. When she isn’t reading, writing, or taking yet another online class, she is probably doing some one-on-one tutoring or enjoying a good movie with her husband and two daughters. In my prior job, I was tasked with drafting a legal agreement that no-one believed could get approved. “I would identify the cause of the problem and discuss the matter with my manager as quickly as possible. Depending on the type and cause of the problem, it may be possible to get the project back on track by allocating further resources to it. I like being able to work alone in a quiet environment as it allows me to focus on the task at hand.

How do you like to work? Do you need a lot of direction?

As someone who has been working remotely for some time now, I can tell you that if you’re thinking of applying for remote jobs right now, go for it. I was skeptical before I took the plunge, not because of the move to remote work but because I had work from home experience no idea what I’d be asked in my interview. I didn’t know how to answer work from home interview questions because I had zero work from home experience. Preparing for a remote job interview is similar to preparing for an in-person interview.

  • First things first, before we get to the questions, you need to be ready with a few basic things that are required for any work from home interview.
  • Strong communication skills and practices are more essential than ever.
  • Even though the question can seem simple, it’s difficult to provide a good answer if you’re not prepared.
  • Is it closed off from the rest of the house and background noise?

This one is usually asked to understand your seriousness towards a work-from-home job. An ideal answer would be a “yes.’’ You can describe your workspace at home for the interviewer to be assured that you’re not going to be working from your bed. While you have all the freedom to work on your bed or couch, doing so tends to blur the lines between your home and work life. It is best to have a home office setup, even if it’s just a desk where you work. Remote positions don’t expect you to come with a whole room of devices but you’re expected to have the basic equipment like a computer, camera and microphone.

How do you keep you manage your time, prioritize, and stay organized?

Find out what kind of remote environment they would thrive in. Remote work comes with a long list of benefits and downsides, and they will differ from candidate to candidate. If your candidate says they don’t like that they don’t have an office to go to and you’re 100% remote, then remote work might not be the best option for them. Does the candidate enjoy working from home or do they prefer the background noise of a coffee shop? This is your chance to dig into where your potential teammate prefers to work, plus it lets you know if they’re already set up for a remote work company.

tell us about your experience in a work from home environment

Check the company’s website, social media sites, and any news articles where they are mentioned, to familiarize yourself with the company’s products, services, and general information. If you have any contacts who are familiar with the company, ask them for information they think might pertain to your interview. I would love the opportunity to use my 10 years of experience in marketing to support the community along with you. Employers want to know you’re not just looking for any job, you want this one. Researching the company will arm you with the background to demonstrate your enthusiasm.

How Do You Interview for A Remote Position?

Remote work has never been more accessible but many people aren’t prepared for the challenges that come with being a remote worker. Two of the biggest challenges of working remotely are communicating and collaborating across time zones. Since you can’t jump into a quick call or tap a person on the shoulder, you need to be more intentional about your interactions with others. This is another example of a situational interview question and a great opportunity to leverage the STAR method. Remember, the hiring manager is looking for a previous situation.

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